Braille TTY

What is a Braille TTY?

A person who is deaf-blind can make phone calls through Louisiana Relay by using a Braille TTY. A Braille TTY transmits conversations in Braille and on the TTY’s display screen. During a Relay call, Braille TTY users type their side of the conversation and read the other person’s response in Braille.

Braille TTY users can call people through Louisiana Relay or call other Braille TTY users directly. Louisiana Relay strongly encourages Braille TTY users to establish a Customer Profile—a personal profile that automatically lets the Communication Assistant (CA) know your communication preferences.

How do I get a Braille TTY?

Free Braille TTYs are available through the Louisiana EDP for those who qualify medically and financially.

A note about text pacing (Typing Speed Buffer):

You can ask the Louisiana Relay CA to adjust the speed at which text appears on your Braille display or text screen. The Typing Speed Buffer feature allows the CA to type at a normal pace while text appears on your device at the speed you prefer, which is adjustable in five-word-per-minute increments, beginning at 10 words per minute up to 45 words per minute. If you don’t know the speed that works best for you, you can ask the CA to try different speeds until you find one that is comfortable.

Once you find a comfortable speed, be sure to note this preference in your Louisiana Relay Customer Profile. This way, the CA will automatically know the speed you prefer.

How to make a Telebraille call?

For information on how to make a Telebraille call click here.