Relay Services
Grant Program
Have difficulty hearing and speaking over the telephone?
Have difficulty hearing over the phone, but are able to use your own voice when speaking to the other person?
Have difficulty speaking or being understood over the phone?
Have low or no vision and have difficulty hearing what’s said over the phone?
Wish to customize how you use Relay?
Wish to know more about Relay or have one of our representatives meet with you or provide a free presentation to your group or business?
TTY (Text Telephone)
Braille TTY
Voice Carry Over (VCO)
Hearing Carry Over (HCO)
Speech-to-Speech (STS)
Voice Users (Standard Phone Users)
Captioned Telephone (CapTel)
LA Relay Captioned Telephone (analog/landline)
Internet Protocol Captioned Telephone Service (IPCTS)
Spanish Relay
Customer Profiles
VRS and IP Relay
Captioned Telephone (CapTel)
Please choose one of the following options:
LA Relay Captioned Telephone (analog/landline)
Internet Protocol Captioned Telephone Service (IPCTS)