
2024 Meeting Dates

March 4, 2024
June 3, 2024
September 9, 2024
December 9, 2024

All meetings are typically held from 1:00pm- 3:00pm CST at the Louisiana Department of Health Building located at 628 North Fourth Street, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802.

Citizen Participation

1. All regular and special meetings of the Board shall be open to the public, except that the RAB may meet in Executive Session to consider matters as specified by Article V, Section 1, Item B.

2. Individuals or representatives of groups may speak for up to five minutes on agenda topics at a publicly-announced time on the agenda during each meeting provided they have notified the RAB of their desire to do so prior to the meeting being called to order.

3. After the RAB has dispensed with items on the agenda, members of the public will be permitted five minutes to speak on non-agenda topics. The RAB may, by majority vote, extend or further limit time on such appearance if it seems appropriate.

4. Except in emergencies, the RAB shall not attempt to decide upon any question before examining and evaluating the information any person requests the RAB to consider. The appropriate committee of the RAB and/or Officer shall be given an opportunity to examine and to evaluate all such information and to recommend action before the RAB makes a decision. The decision of the RAB will be addressed at the next scheduled RAB meeting if possible.

5. If special accommodations are needed, individuals or representatives of groups attending must request their accommodation two weeks prior of each regularly scheduled meeting, otherwise the accommodation may not be guaranteed.


To inform RAB of your desire to make a public comment, or to request an accommodation, please contact LARAB Secretary [email protected]