Do You…
Need specialized equipment in order to communicate over the phone?

The Louisiana Commission for the Deaf (LCD) sponsors a program through which specialized equipment is distributed. Equipment is available at no charge to qualified individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind or difficulty speaking who live in Louisiana. Available equipment includes text telephones (TTY/TDD), telebrailler/braille phones, voice carry over telephones, telephone signaling devices and amplification equipment. Contact the nearest distribution center or call (800) 256-1523 for more information.
Have difficulty hearing and speaking over the telephone?
Placing and receiving calls through the use of a TTY (Text Telephone) is a common way to connect with family, friends and businesses. A Communication Assistant relays the call by either typing or voicing what’s said throughout the conversation.
Have difficulty hearing over the phone, but are able to use your own voice when speaking to the other person?
Captioned Telephone lets you listen while reading word-for-word captions of what’s said by the other person on the screen of a CapTel phone. Voice Carry Over (VCO) service is also available allowing you to speak directly to the other person, and read his or her responses on the screen of a TTY or VCO phone.
Have difficulty speaking or being understood over the phone?
Using Speech-to-Speech (STS) service, specially trained Communication Assistants who are familiar with the patterns of a wide variety of speaking difficulties assist in relaying the conversation, as needed, throughout the call. No specialized equipment is needed for STS service. Hearing Carry Over (HCO) service is designed for individuals who regularly have difficulty speaking. Through the use of a TTY or HCO phone, individuals listen directly to the other person, and then respond by typing their side of the conversation.
Have low or no vision and have difficulty hearing what’s said over the phone?
Deaf-Blind Relay Service allows those with both a hearing and vision loss to place and receive phone calls. Users communicate through the use of specialized telecommunications equipment, such as a telebrailler/telebraille device.
Speak Spanish and have difficulty hearing or speaking over the phone?
All Relay services are available in both English and Spanish. The service includes Spanish to Spanish communication and translation from English to Spanish. For more information, click here.
Wish to customize how you use Relay?
Relay users are encouraged to complete a Customer Profile so that our Communication Assistants are aware of how you wish your relay calls handled. A number of call preferences can be specified including preferred type of relay service, customized greetings, speed dial numbers, and more – saving you time on every relay call you make.
Wish to know more about Relay or have one of our representatives meet with you or provide a free presentation to your group or business?
Contact Carol Tisdale, Louisiana Relay Outreach Coordinator, today!