Contact Us

imagesHow to Connect

Dial 7-1-1 to use Hamilton Relay in Louisiana or call one of the toll free numbers below:

TTY: 800-846-5277
Voice: 800-947-5277
Speech-to-Speech: 888-272-5530
Spanish-to-Spanish: 800-737-1813
(includes Spanish-to-Spanish and translation from English to Spanish)

If you are traveling out of State or you are in a State that is not served by Hamilton Relay, you can place interstate calls by calling:

TTY: 800.833.5833 (toll-free)
Voice: 800.833.7833 (toll-free)

Customer Care

If you have suggestions, comments or concerns, please contact:

Louisiana Relay
P.O. Box 285
Aurora, NE 68818
Voice/TTY: 888-699-6869
Fax: 402-694-5110
E-mail: [email protected]

If your expressed concern is not resolved to your satisfaction, contact the Louisiana Relay Administrator.

Ted M. Hankins, President
Karen Babineaux, Vice President

Should your concern go unresolved, you may file a complaint with the FCC’s Consumer Information Bureau.

Voice: 888-CALL-FCC

Equipment Distribution

Louisiana residents who have difficulty hearing or speaking and  require the use of a text telephone (TTY), telebraille or amplification equipment  to communicate over the phone are eligible for the Telecommunications Access Program.

To see if you or someone you know qualifies for equipment through this program, visit the Louisiana Commission for the Deaf or contact:

Louisiana Commission for the Deaf
628 N. Fourth Street, 5th Floor
Baton Rouge, LA 70821
Voice: 800-256-1523 (toll-free)
Email: [email protected]


Louisiana Relay’s service provider, Hamilton Relay, offers high quality professional outreach services to ensure people are aware of relay services, and that they understand how to use relay when making or receiving calls. If you are not sure about how relay works and would like to learn more about what types of relay services work best for you, contact Customer Care or the Louisiana Outreach Coordinator listed below.  In addition,  if you know of an agency, business, school or individual who could benefit from training on how to use Relay services, we are glad to provide professional training services.

Contact your Outreach Coordinator today!
Bobbye Davis ([email protected])
Louisiana Outreach Coordinator